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Over THREE HOURS of instruction on a Two DVD set. Finishes out the complete set of Colorful Painting Series.
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Comments from subscribers:
The highlight of my day is checking my email and seeing your email and new paintings. I love watching them all, I show them to my fiancee everyday and we observe them in awe. You have such a wonderful talent, don't ever stop painting, you inspire me and world.
I love your art and your sense of humour! You inspire me to improve myself, and what better thing can one say of another human being.
I have been recieving your e-mails for some time now. I eagerly await your e-mail every night ( New Zealand time). Some how those lessons have been plugging away at my mind. Today I purchased my first basic set of acrylics and I started painting!! I'm having fun and I am all inspired - thanks to your daily e-mails. My favourite paintings are the cats and I love to hear what your cats are up to. I live in Auckland ( North Island).
(Your emails) let us into the heart and inspiration of the vision. They let us see more of the thought process that went into the decisions you make about what you paint and how you choose to depict your subject. I am learning a great deal from this. --Sigrid
What a great painting...magnificent lighting. am enjoying all your daily paintings.
What a commitment you've made.
What a beautiful piece. I was in the Lauterbrunnen in 66-67 when I was stationed in Germany. You have captured Winter well.
I enjoy receiving your emails on a daily basis. Just received today's painting and I think it's amazing. The brilliant blue of that bit of sky -- it's just enough to make the other colours seem almost tangible.
I do like your brushwork and use of color very much. I am learning so much just from seeing your daily offerings. Keep 'em coming, please!
I've been a subscriber to your daily paintings and enjoying them so much for a couple of months now and I also enjoy reading your words that describe the inspiration behind your paintins and about what's going on in your life.
Just My Socks购买和使用教程 – 月下博客:2021-3-27 · Just My Socks介绍 Just My Socks是 搬瓦工 官方运营的shadowsocks机场,适合于不想买vps折腾部署的网友。 Just My socks支持支付宝付款,30天内不满意退款,使用CN2(包括CN2 GIA)线路,IP被墙后自动切换,非常靠谱稳定,在开某会的时候其他梯子都不能用的时候这个也能用,不存在跑路风 …
I am enjoying getting a little burst of Elin everyday.
This painting's sky is the most incredible use of color in a sky that I have ever seen painted or in life. What an inspiration.
Just received the last DVD of the oil painting series. I now have all three as well as your plein air VHS. I have enjoyed all immensly. The joy you receive from painting is so evident in your presentation, your voice and your work - it translates so well it is infectious and inspiring. I love receiving your daily painting - what a great gift to other artists. Thank you for sharing your passion and your knowledge - it is very much appreciated.
As always , I love your descriptions, which show me 'more' [in the artist's sense] than at first I realized. Thank you!
Elin is a Full Painting Member of the 怎么买梯子 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-1-14 · 并不是心疼这两三百块钱,主要是又要去找稳定的梯子很耗时间。如果用户对流量、速度需求大,那么在用过一个月之后,应该还会再考虑我伊。Q:可伍多个人一起用吗?A:理论上来说对这个是没有限制的。你可伍购买了之后给同学、朋友、家人使用。
She is an Emeritus Member of the Women Artists of the West, Inc.
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